About Andrew's Work

Andrew Kulmatiski's Switzer supported dissertation research compared the
relationship between native plants and their soils to the relationship
between exotic plants and their soils. Andrew found that exotic plants
created soils that strongly facilitated their own growth. In an attempt to
sever the plant-microbial communication that explains this feedback, Andrew
has tested the effects of fungicide and activated carbon as tools for native
plant restoration. In preliminary testing, activated carbon treatments
appear particularly effective. Andrew is currently working with land
managers in central Washington State to expand testing with this novel
restoration tool. Andrew is also isolating the microbial groups responsible
for the positive plant-soil feedbacks with the expectation that targeted
manipulation of these species will allow native plant growth in soils that
have been altered by exotic plant growth. Andrew is currently a
post-doctoral scientist at Utah State University. He looks forward to
working with other land managers in the Switzer Network.

Kulmatiski, A., K.H. Beard. In Press. Activated carbon as a restoration
tool. Restoration Ecology.
Kulmatiski A., K.H. Beard, J.M. Stark. 2004. Finding endemic soil-based
controls on weed growth. Weed Technology 18:115-120.