About Anne's Work

Anne is committed to strengthening decision making processes and outcomes for diverse groups of people as they seek to take positive action to address flooding and sea level rise.    With fourteen years of experience in community engagement and resilience planning, Anne currently serves as Outreach Director at the American Flood Coalition, a nonpartisan group of political, military, business, and local leaders that have come together to drive adaptation to the reality of higher seas, stronger storms, and more frequent flooding. In this role, Anne leads engagement with the Coalition’s state and local members as they seek to address flooding and sea level rise in their own communities and states, as well as nationally.    Prior to her role with AFC, Anne served in both technical and management roles with the award-winning landscape architecture firm dlandstudio, where she played a key role in flagship projects integrating stormwater and flood risk management into public landscapes; and with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, where she served on national teams to improve the agency's framework for implementing best practices in community engagement and flood risk management across its local and regional offices. Anne also served as a Knauss Sea Grant Policy Fellow hosted by the Coastal States Organization to advance state-federal partnerships and policy to support effective coastal management.   With a focus on spatial planning and water management aspects of adaptation and resilience, Anne holds a Master in Landscape Architecture from Harvard University and Master of Science in Geographic Information Science from Clark University. Through these institutions along with the NASA DEVELOP program, Anne has conducted applied research on resilience planning in the U.S. as well as Kenya, Haiti, and China. Anne earned her Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from Washington University in St. Louis as a Danforth Scholar. She is a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional and licensed Landscape Architect in the State of New York.