About Annmarie's Work

Annmarie graduated from Caltech with her PhD in Environmental Engineering Science, with a focus on air quality. She is currently the Deputy Project Scientist for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 at the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL). She has been involved in coordinating climate research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 2007, and was part of the early efforts that have grown into the JPL Climate Center. Dr. Eldering received her Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering Science from Caltech in 1994 and was an Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa. She has been at JPL since 1999, where she has served in the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) group, the Tropospheric Emission Spectroradiometer (TES) group, and as a section manager. She provides technical leadership to satellite teams, with an emphasis on the extraction of information about clouds, aerosols and trace gases in Earth's atmosphere. Her areas of research focus include characterizing cirrus clouds from infrared measurements, analysis of trace gas retrievals using wavelengths of light from ultraviolet to infrared, and characterization of upper tropospheric water vapor and clouds using satellite data. She is the Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator on a number of competitively-awarded research tasks, has been an active member of the GEO-CAPE Science Working Group and served as first the TES Deputy Principal Investigator and then as Principal Investigator. Dr. Eldering also serves as an adjunct professor at UCLA where she teaches and supervises students and postdocs. She maintains research collaborations with the UCLA faculty as well as the atmospheric modeling community at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.