About Brian's Work

Brian is currently an Professor of Marine Ecology at the University of Maine at Machias where he teaches marine ecology, marine biology, biostatistics, shellfish aquaculture, and fisheries management. His applied research programs focus on indigenous, commercial marine species such as soft-shell clams, sea urchins, and lobsters. He continues to direct UMM's marine educational outreach programs that involve fishermen in public aquaculture programs through the Downeast Institute for Applied Marine Research & Education where he is also the Director of Research. Brian is currently working with a local nonprofit to create the easternmost marine research laboratory and education center in the U.S. on Great Wass Island in the town of Beals. He is conducting research in collaboration with several colleagues concerning biotic and abiotic factors influencing growth patterns of soft-shell clams in eastern and southwestern Maine, the use of field-based nurseries for stock enhancement of American lobster populations using cultured individuals, and on bringing a new culture fishery for European oysters to downeast Maine.