About Christian's Work

My work focuses on helping to build learning and energy systems that support people to live more sustainably. I have been involved in various aspects of design, testing, and implementation of renewable energy systems in the United States, Central and South America, India, and Africa.

I am passionate about the role of experiential education and innovative learning methods for individual and community transformation. I have explored the efficacy of collaborative game playing with rural fishers and farmers as a means of strengthening local knowledge and exploring new decision making strategies. I have also designed and implemented wind, solar, and biogas training workshops in schools in the U.S. and India.

I am currently based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I do consulting work in areas of energy policy, climate change, and equity. In 2017 I led a working group to carry out the first GHG emissions inventory for the city of Santa Fe, and supported the development of a 25-year sustainability plan for the city.

I have worked as an atmospheric and ocean research scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, and have served in the U.S. Peace Corps teaching math and science in rural Namibia. I have an environmental engineering degree from Harvard, a master’s degree in applied mathematics from Johns Hopkins, and a master’s and PhD in Energy and Resources from UC Berkeley.