Pepperwood: Rising from the Ashes Switzer Network Screening
The Switzer Foundation is pleased to present a live, virtual screening of Pepperwood: Rising from the Ashes, a documentary film telling the story of the destruction and renewal prompted by recent ‘megafires’ at Pepperwood.
Wildfires have become more frequent and widespread in California in recent years. At Pepperwood’s reserve, two major wildfires separated by just two years have burned through the landscape. The documentary explores how this fire-adapted ecosystem has responded to these events, how the indigenous peoples use fire as a tool to steward the land, and what is being done to better understand and prepare for future wildfires.
Join the Switzer Network and the Pepperwood Foundation for a virtual screening of this award-winning documentary, with remarks and Q&A with filmmaker Ian Nelson and Pepperwood’s Executive Director and Switzer Fellow Dr. Lisa Micheli.
Watch the trailer here. A link to access the film after the screening for later viewing will be made available to attendees.
This event is open to Switzer Fellows, the Pepperwood community, and friends, colleagues and connections of both groups. If you’re interested in hosting an in-person watch party in your community, let us know!