Fellow Story

Berger series lauds success of CERES in pushing corporations towards sustainability

Fellow(s): John J Berger

CERES' modus operandi is to get the world's largest investors and corporations to integrate sustainability into their core business strategies. Through appeals to enlightened corporate self-interest and to "the better angels of their nature," CERES in effect reprograms the corporation's DNA.

Burrowed deep into the business community, CERES focuses on changing corporate culture with respect not only to environmental sustainability, but also with respect to climate risk, transparency and disclosure, and supply chain supervision.

The fact that all U.S. public companies today are obliged under SEC rules to disclose their climate risk exposure is the result of a CERES-led investor petition drive. Some 6,000 companies globally now use CERES' corporate sustainability disclosure guidelines.

CERES also calls on its members to advocate prominently for stronger carbon limits and more sustainable energy polices in the U.S. and abroad. Currently they're working to get stock exchanges worldwide to institute sustainability reporting requirements.

Read part 1 of the series

Read part 2 of the series