Fellow Story

Greiner on GreenBiz.com "Unlocking sustainability's hidden value"

Fellow(s): Tim Greiner

Why do sustainability achievements come naturally for some companies, while others struggle to achieve even modest targets for impact reduction? I wish I could say the difference is some companies hire our sustainability consulting services and others don’t. But the truth is, despite abundant guidance and support, I’ve seen some clients take only faltering steps, while others take the ball and run. So when a company clearly has winning ways, it makes sense to take a closer look.

There’s a good chance you’ve used Rockline Industries’ products without ever knowing it. The family-owned, private-label manufacturer produces everyday items like baking cups, wet wipes and coffee filters for big names including Walmart, Seventh Generation and Starbucks. In 2008, we helped Rockline launch a sustainability program to respond to increasing demand from their customers for sustainability data and commitments.

A few weeks ago, Rockline published its most recent sustainability report, which shows it has blown past all but two of its 2015 targets. Ongoing initiatives are now so well integrated with operations that the company’s sustainability coordinator is actually reducing the number of hours he spends on program activities.

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