Fellow Story

Hall lead editor on free publication to inform tropical land-use decisions

Forty percent of the world’s people share the tropics with 50 percent of the world’s terrestrial life. World population has more than doubled since 1960. Land use decisions will become increasingly controversial as it soars from 7.2 billion to a projected 9.6 billion in 2050. A downloadable publication from the Smithsonian and the BIO Program of the Inter-American Development Bank, “Managing watersheds for ecosystem services in the steepland Neotropics,” offers new tools to weigh trade-offs between water, timber, biodiversity and development. - See more at: http://foreignaffairs.co.nz/2015/12/02/smithsonian-and-the-idb-offers-free-publication-to-inform-tropical-land-use-decisions/#sthash.mxRiUNoE.dpuf

“This “Watershed White Paper” summarizes the latest science and highlights the importance of integrated watershed management to meet the challenges of meeting the needs of billions of people who depend on food, timber and clean water in the tropics and in our globalized economy,” said Jefferson Hall, STRI staff scientist and lead editor.

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