Fellow Story

Ledewitz now with DTZ

Before joining DTZ as the Energy and Sustainability Program Manager, Julia was the Sustainability Engineer for Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In her role at MIT, she helped facilitate and implement the energy efficiency programs and she was the Department of Facilities sustainability liaison to graduate and undergraduate courses for energy and planning. At MIT she developed a cross-campus energy reduction program for the existing building infrastructure in partnership with the local utility company. At DTZ, Julia develops and implements Sustainability and Energy reduction plans for mid-to-large corporations around the United States. She helps create energy goals, sustainability metrics, and comprehensive programs that will benefit both the company and the environment.   Julia has her Master's degree from Tufts' Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning department. She earned her B.A. from Bowdoin College in 2008 where she studied Environmental Science, History and Biology.

Read more about her DTZ's Energy Services

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