About Natasha's Work

Natasha Frazier is a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe pursuing a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy at The Fletcher School at Tufts University with a focus on development and environmental policy. Natasha is a 2024 Udall intern in the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, an internship program co-managed by the Udall Foundation and the Native Nations Institute. Through her Udall internship, Natasha is gaining insight into the federal legislative process and the nation-to-nation relationship between Tribal Nations and the U.S. Government. 

Natasha is especially interested in water policy and tribal water rights. She has focused on water policy issues impacting tribes in several of her graduate courses as part of her Master’s degree, including Global Water Security Perspectives at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, American Indian Law and Policy at Tufts’ Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, and The U.S. Congress and Lawmaking at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Natasha is also interested in tribal co-management of public lands, especially after having lived and worked in various National Parks in Alaska. While in school, Natasha also works part-time for her local City Council, where she clerks Committee meetings, and is grateful for the insight gained into public policy, governance, and leadership in the process. 

Prior to graduate school, Natasha spent nearly 1.5 years in North Dakota organizing legal representation for water protectors during the NoDAPL movement. She also has professional experience in the environmental nonprofit and public sectors. Natasha grew up throughout the U.S. and calls the Washington, D.C. area home. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, biking, and language learning, especially the Lakota language.