About Nathan's Work

Nathan Hall is a current dual degree candidate with the Master of Environmental Management program at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and Master of Business Administration through the Yale School of Management. A born-and-raised Appalachian, Nathan's ancestral roots reach back to the late 18th century in the remote coal mining mountains of Eastern Kentucky. Prior to attending Yale, Nathan was deeply involved in a number of initiatives focused on transitioning Appalachia toward a more ecologically and economically sustainable future, including reforestation of lands disfigured by mountaintop removal mining, development of local food systems, and community-scale renewable energy. As a graduate student he is exploring pathways to expand these efforts to a more impactful scale by leveraging diverse capital structures through philanthropy, private equity, and public debt, as well as through innovative land ownership and management structures. His current and future work will continue to be focused on the coalfields of Appalachia with an interest in collaborative projects involving similar post-extraction regions around the world. He holds a self-designed BA in Sustainable Agricultural & Industrial Management from Berea College and is a 2010-2011 Watson Fellow.