About Nicole's Work

Nicole Wong is a Master of City Planning candidate in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. She is studying policy strategies to advance affordable housing decarbonization in a way that promotes health, reduces energy burden, prevents displacement, and meaningfully targets climate investments to low-income communities of color. Before MIT, Nicole worked at the Greenlining Institute, a racial equity policy organization, where she co-led a working group of frontline organizations across California to shape the state’s leading climate resilience initiatives, including the Vulnerable Communities Mapping Platform and Community Resilience Centers program. From organizing immigrant communities in the Bay Area to advocate for electoral reform to facilitating a multi-sector coalition across the Northeast to influence clean transportation investments, Nicole has consistently worked to bring diverse voices together to advance powerful visions for climate, economic, and racial equity.

Born in San Francisco, CA, Nicole received a BS in Conservation and Resource Studies from UC Berkeley. She is a member of the food, art, and political education project, the People’s Kitchen Collective, and loves to write, sing, and spend time outside.