About Patrick's Work

Patrick is a Lecturer in the Earth Systems and Environmental Earth System Science
departments in the School of Earth Sciences at Stanford University. He teaches
courses in sustainable agriculture and is leading the development of the Stanford
Educational Farm (SEF). The farm will be a new campus facility for teaching,
research, and demonstration of sustainable agriculture and local food systems
(http://farm.stanford.edu/). Patrick currently manages the Earth Systems student
education plot at the Stanford Community Farm and uses it for hands-on instruction
in food production and farm management.

Patrick studied Agroecology at UC Berkeley in the Environmental Science, Policy,
and Management Department. He has worked for over fifteen years developing
sustainable urban agriculture and food justice programs and integrating this work
with undergraduate education. His interests include agroecosystem design, urban
and peri-urban food systems, sustainable community development, alternative land
tenure models, food justice, experiential education and community-based learning.

Patrick began working for Stanford in September 2011. Prior to coming to Stanford
he spent four years as a Lecturer and the Director of Campus and Community
Programs for the Environmental Studies Institute at Santa Clara University. Patrick
founded and directed the Bronco Urban Gardens (BUG) program for SCU (http:/
/www.scu.edu/cas/esi/programs/bug.cfm) and prior to attending graduate
school he founded and directed Urban SEED (now Ploughshares Nursery http:/
/www.ploughsharesnursery.com/) on the former Alameda Naval Air Station
in Alameda, CA. At UC Berkeley, Patrick managed the Student Organic Garden
for many years and founded an organic gardening peer education program and
garden education internship program sponsored by the ESPM department and UC
Berkeley’s DeCal program. Patrick is an alumnus of the Apprenticeship in Ecological
Horticulture at UC Santa Cruz (1994) and currently serves as a faculty advisor to the
program (http://casfs.ucsc.edu/apprentice-training/apprenticeship-information).