About Soliver's Work

Sol is driven by global environmentalism, particularly by understanding how knowledge about the environment is produced, shared, and influences our relationship with it. Her current research focuses on the intersection of sanitation and agriculture by utilizing burned organic waste (biochar) to recover nutrients from human urine and reuse them in agricultural soils. She finds purpose in working on such technologies that are available to the most marginalized. She is additionally pursuing a data science focus by developing models for predicting biochar properties in collaboration with the World Agroforestry Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. In doing so, she is structuring her life and career to provide her with the geographical flexibility to better understand the diversity found in various environmental geographies, before she roots herself. 

Her overarching objective is to contribute to the social and technical understanding of sanitation and agricultural systems specifically applicable in countries like Kenya and her homeland, Cameroon. Within and outside of her academic pursuits, Sol works to develop a more intimate relationship with bodies, earth and water through rowing, surfing, gardening and co-constructing communal systems that don't feed into imperialism and extractivism. She is actively seeking opportunities to become an environmental educator and works to embody the principles she will embed in her teaching pedagogy. Sol considers herself a servant and is settling on who and how she will serve.