About Sydney's Work

Sydney graduated from Harvard in 1987 with a degree in history. She was the cofounder and executive director of WorldTeach, Inc., a nonprofit organization that places volunteers as teachers in developing countries. After six years at WorldTeach, she entered graduate school in 1993 to study environmental management and policy. She focused on the conservation and sustainable utilization of land and renewable resources conservation and in strengthening the institutions that manage renewable resources, both in the US and the developing world. She has lived and worked in Kenya and South Africa. She spent three years as Project Manager for the Harvard Institute for International Development's International Environment Program. Her projects included advising governments in Russia and the Central Asian Republics on applying principles and methods in environmental policy making; and research on water resources and rural development in sub-Saharan Africa. She then shifted her focus to issues of health and development, with a focus on the economics of infectious diseases. She is now a Research Professor at Boston University with an applied research portfolio addressing the economic impacts of the global HIVAIDS epidemic. She co-directs the Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.