Stories can inspire action and advance narrative change for environmental and climate justice. Discover how digital storytelling can amplify the voices of those directly impacted and build your own skills in this interactive webinar with...
By offering new “possibilities of policy evaluation” that emerge from climate justice imaginaries in Boston, this paper showcases how visions of the just and unjust city can serve as governing devices to transform policy evaluation practices and advance more just climate futures.
Daniel explains his recent research into unusually rapid and/or high magnitude swings between unusual weather conditions, including causes, expected trends and links to southern California’s devastating wildfires.
The Resilient Roots Project lifts up the voices and leadership of middle and high school age youth in taking climate action through digital storytelling and media arts in order to strengthen climate resiliency in communities that stand to...
Nigel Golden received a 2024 Switzer Leadership Grant to support his position as Climate Justice Specialist at the Woodwell Climate Research Center. He reflects on the role’s progress so far, likening it to “watching an ecosystem evolve over time.”
Released on October 25, Climate Extremes: At the Abyss? is a new documentary that delves into the science behind the non linearity of climate change, earth's tipping points, planetary boundaries and ocean circulations. Featuring insights...
In an October 2024 paper in Environmental Justice, Melinda Adams and co-author Daniel Sarvestani propose Indigenous Fire Justice as steps to move toward environmental justice and climate justice. They present case studies in California...
Urban soils are often overlooked in climate resilience planning and policy. In their October 2024 Nature comment article, Shankar and co-authors advocate for a broader framing of urban soils within an equity-centred social ecological...
This study explores the demographics of the U.S. climate movement through a survey of 1003 climate activists in the USA, comparing demographics of White and BIPOC activists and their engagement with climate actions.