Coastal & Marine Conservation

Fellow Story

Hameed co-authors report finding ocean protection quality lags behind quantity

"What a tragedy it will be if the global community comes together and achieves 30x30 by covering 30% of the ocean in MPAs that don’t have strong enough regulations to safeguard marine ecosystems or are otherwise ineffective. We have to do better to conserve the biodiversity of our ocean – we need to ensure that our MPA efforts are meaningful.”
August 26, 2024
Fellow Story

Building a Knowledge Action Network in the Indigenous communities of the South Pacific

Linwood Pendleton writes about his recent visit to South Pacific Indigenous members of the Ocean Knowledge Action Network in order to build trust and better understand the knowledge held by these communities, their needs and opportunities for more and better peer-to-peer knowledge sharing.
January 18, 2024
Fellow Story

Harp Falk takes a people-focused approach to protecting the Chesapeake Bay

"I am really energized by the opportunity to bring people together to re-envision the future of the Bay movement with forward-facing goals—getting clean water closer to people, confronting challenges like the climate crisis."
January 18, 2024
Leadership Grant Grant

Realizing a Resilient Edgmere: an Intersection of Housing, Equity and Environment

As Interim Manager, Doug will lead the ReAL Edgemere Community Land Trust through the process of designing flood-resilient coastal infrastructure and accessible open space to benefit the community and environment of Edgemere.
December 11, 2023
Fellow Story

Harp Falk: the Chesapeake Bay needs both heart and science to thrive

“To succeed in the next chapter of bay-saving, we’re going to have to widen conservation’s historically narrow lens… this isn’t just about one state, one agency, or one organization; this is an “all of the above” situation. We need to use the science and the data. But we also need to use our heart — our passion, our energy, our compassion and our courage.”
November 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Cohen connects coral decline to ballast discharge

Andrew Cohen’s letter to the editor in the Washington Post points out that ballast discharge is an important factor in coral reef disease and decline. He writes: “In recent years, coral reefs in Florida and elsewhere in the Caribbean have...
September 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Goodrich SDSU spotlight: where wetlands protection and social justice intersect

“My work is about environmental protection, but at the same time we have to think about the human dimension,” Goodrich explains. “At the research reserve, we like to advance co-benefits: how can we protect places, but at the same time protect people? How can we be in more of a reciprocal relationship?”
July 26, 2023

Rafeed Hussain

2023 Fellow
Rafeed's research focuses on offshore wind development perceptions and impacts on coastal communities. Although Rafeed has a brain trained in natural and social sciences, his heart lies in photography and science communication.

Nia Bartolucci

2023 Fellow
Nia studies how climate change and other anthropogenic impacts are affecting the biogeochemistry and ecosystem function of coastal wetlands.
Fellow Story

Switzer Fellows Book List

Read up on the latest titles released by fellows in our Switzer Fellows Book List. This running list includes titles ranging from young adult fiction to socio-environmental research, and from the wildlife of the Northeast to the wildflowers...
June 21, 2023