In an October 2024 paper in Environmental Justice, Melinda Adams and co-author Daniel Sarvestani propose Indigenous Fire Justice as steps to move toward environmental justice and climate justice. They present case studies in California...
Topics in this free monthly presentation series include black bear ecology, amphibian road crossings, bird migration, wildlife rehabilitation, yards as habitat, wildlife trail cameras, and more.
“Those birds and all the living things up there haven’t heard running water in over 100 years — it’s a completely different landscape. The ecosystem is healing itself,” Keith says in The New York Times story With Dams Removed, Salmon Will Have the Run of a Western River.
This celebration of current and aspiring Black mammalogists across the Diaspora exists to support conscious, fruitful connections and illuminate historical and present-day Black contributions to the field of Mammalogy.
The review paper asks how environmental justice and urban ecology have influenced one another over the past 25 years in the context of the US Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program and Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES) project.
Using automated scent dispensers near camera traps eliminates the challenges associated with repeated service visits to the rugged, snow packed areas where elusive carnivores, such as wolverines, overwinter.
“Wildlife Out Your Window” is an entertaining and informative guide including fascinating facts about 100 common wildlife species of the Northeastern U.S.