Fellow Story

Jennifer O'Leary Receives National Recognition in Kenya

Fellow(s): Jennifer O'Leary

Jennifer O'Leary, 2006 Fellow currently working with the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), has received national recognition in Kenya for her work in adaptive management planning for coral reef conservation.  Jennifer has been working through a Switzer Leadership Grant with the American Museum of Natural History and the Kenyan Wildlife Service on developing an adaptive management plan for coral reef conservation in Kenya's Mombasa Marine Park.  Jennifer's scientific work, as well as her work educating the Kenyan community, has received national attention in Kenyan newspapers and on television. 

"KWS Launches Adaptive Management Programme in Mombasa Marine Park" - Coastweek, February 2010

"Adaptive management adopted in Marine Park" - The Standard, May 2010