About Chris's Work

Chris Greacen (chrisgreacen@gmail.com) works on policy and hands-on implementation of renewable energy projects from the village to the national level. He helped Thailand develop the region’s first regulations supporting grid-connected renewable energy, now accounting for over 5,000 MW of small grid-connected renewables. Since 2007 he has worked primarily as consultant to the World Bank’s ESMAP developing country programs and regulatory frameworks for renewable energy mini grids in countries in Sub Saharan Africa, South East Asia, and the Caribbean, and Pacific Islands. He holds a Ph.D. in Energy and Resources from the University of California at Berkeley and is an adjunct professor in the Energy Systems Management program at University of San Francisco. Chris grew up and lives on Lopez Island, Washington where he serves on the San Juan County Climate and Sustainability citizens advisory committee, which is charged with charting a plan for the county that meets climate goals, and where he served as a school board director at the island’s public school.