Fellow Story

Arizona can reach emissions targets according to Lemoine and others

Fellow(s): Derek Lemoine

Through greater reliance on renewable power and energy efficiency measures already required under the state’s progressive energy laws, Arizona can achieve mandatory emissions reduction targets more easily and cheaply than federal guidelines anticipate, according to a group of University of Arizona researchers.

The group’s comments are in response to the Clean Power Plan, an EPA proposal to reduce the country’s use of coal-dominated electric power to curb climate-altering greenhouse gas emissions.


“Some Arizona utilities may find it less costly to acquire emissions permits from utilities in other states than to comply with reductions that would otherwise be necessary if all reductions had to take place in-state,” said Derek Lemoine, an assistant professor of economics. “Any cost-savings achieved through a regional compliance scheme could be passed on to customers via the state public utility regulation process.” 

Read more at The University of Arizona's Enviornment and Sustainability Portal