Facilitating local energy solutions
In December 2017, Henry Herndon and Clean Energy NH (formerly NH Sustainable Energy Association) were awarded a Switzer Leadership Grant to fund a new position of Local Energy Solutions Director. The purpose of the new position was to expand organizational capacity to provide technical assistance to local energy committees, municipalities, and other energy actors across the state towards implementing clean energy projects.
Since then, Henry has provided personalized support to more than 29 Local Energy Committees and municipalities on topics including LED streetlight conversions, municipal solar bidding and procurement, public education, solar zoning, solarize and weatherize campaigns, NHSaves energy efficiency programs, energy committee formation, and more. Henry organized five Local Energy Solutions webinars, participated in numerous public speaking engagements, and authored media content for various local and statewide readerships. Henry worked with Clean Energy NH staff to organize and execute the state's premiere energy conference and provided support towards advancing energy policy priorities at the state Legislature and Public Utilities Commission.
Through this Switzer Leadership Grant, Henry has established himself as a critical member of the Clean Energy NH team, bolstering and expanding the organization's capacity to play the role of state leader on clean energy. In addition to providing regular support to local energy groups and actors, Henry contributed to securing multi-year funding streams to stabilize and grow the Clean Energy NH budget and provide for additional staff capacity. Henry looks forward to continuing his work with Clean Energy NH, contributing to the organization's ongoing growth, and to helping with a shift to clean energy throughout New Hampshire.