Fellow Story

Rinker pens op-ed about the nation's energy policy and how it might move towards renewables

Fellow(s): Bruce Rinker

We are a “Sunshine Nation” too often manipulated by the experts and stakeholders of an outmoded energy technology, bellowing mightily, “Solar energy isn’t feasible.” Yet, given that the amount of solar energy hitting Earth exceeds the total energy consumed by humanity by a factor of over 20,000 times, it’s a simple matter of technology investment – a qualitative, not quantitative approach to societal need – and not any pre-ordained impossibility as suggested by these prognosticators with a coarse commitment to their industries’ bottom line! Solar energy IS feasible; and those who argue against it, including a small conservative cadre of ill-informed (or ill-willed) politicians on Capitol Hill, are snakes in the grass for suggesting otherwise. If they were truly for energy independence in the United States, they would have been fighting for solar, wind, and geothermal technologies years ago!

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