Fellow Story

Wiley's efforts to save whales recognized in movie and book

It's been a busy week for Wareham's Dave Wiley, who flew to California for a movie premiere. Attending premieres is not something that Wiley, the research coordinator at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary is accustomed to doing — but he made an exception for 'Ocean Frontiers: The Dawn of a New Era in Ocean Stewardship' because his work features so prominently in it.

"The movie demonstrates that good things happen when people with a common purpose work together," Wiley said in a phone interview. The movie features four good-news environmental tales from around the country, he said.

In Wiley's segment, the movie explains how the shipping lanes into Boston harbor were shifted in July 2007 to protect endangered whales in the sanctuary, making Boston the first port in the U.S. to redirect shipping like this. "And we really haven't seen any strikes there since," he said.

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