About Holly's Work

Holly Welles is the Communications and Outreach Manager for the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) at Princeton University. The Institute is the interdisciplinary center of environmental research, education and outreach at Princeton. PEI draws its strength from more than 100 members of the Princeton faculty, representing more than 19 academic disciplines, whose research and teaching focuses on the scientific, technical, policy and human dimensions of environmental issues. She held previous positions at Pacific Gas and Electric Company; the US Agency for International Development; the Council on Environmental Quality; and Capital Hill. She earned a Ph.D. in Environmental Planning at UC Berkeley (Switzer Environmental Fellow and Morris K Udall Dissertation Fellow), a Master of Forest Science from Yale University (School of Forestry and Environmental Studies), and a B.S. in Geology and a B.S. in Biology from the University of Colorado. She currently serves on the Alumni Board of Governors at Yale University, the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Alumni Board, the Princeton Environmental Commission, the D&R Greenway Land Trust Board, and serves as an advisor to the Tuolumne River Trust and the Switzer Foundation.