Conservation Science

Fellow Story

Wilkinson publishes on responsibility, equity, justice, and inclusion in dynamic human–wildlife interactions

Human–wildlife interactions (HWIs) are pervasive, and future global change will exacerbate negative outcomes. The authors present an expansion to the traditional conflict-coexistence framing of HWIs.
February 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Jensen on how native California succulents stop erosion, but need protection from poaching

“If you remove dudleya or if you remove other plants… you can have erosion which otherwise essentially destroys the habitat,” Nick Jensen said.
February 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Christine Wilkinson Wins Rising Black Scientist Award

“Across my research career, I have studied the adaptations, behaviors, and ecology of animals that are widely misunderstood and often vilified,” she writes. “Like me, all of these species fail to fit into many of western science’s rigid boxes and are thus misunderstood, yet have developed adaptations, strategies, and resilience to navigate their worlds."
February 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Johnson and Ardoin co-author literature review evaluating the AZA Framework for zoo and aquarium social science research

Their book chapter is a review of what progress has been made in this field since the AZA published social science research recommendations in 2010.
February 23, 2023
Fellow Story

Fraga raises concern about negative consequences of ‘Superbloom’ tourism

Naomi Fraga wrote on Twitter: "I am so incredibly grateful for this California rain, but I am also anticipating the inevitable... The dreaded conversations about the "superbloom". You might be saying, what the heck Naomi, you are a botanist, don't you love superblooms?"
January 26, 2023
Fellow Story

Elbroch in New York Times: Cougars Are Heading East. We Should Welcome Them.

Mark Elbroch published an op-ed in the New York Times on his research pinpointing landscapes large enough to sustain cougars in the Eastern United States. He writes:
January 25, 2023
Fellow Story

‘Vaccinating’ frogs may or may not protect them against a pandemic – but it does provide another option for conservation

Amphibians have been devastated by a chytrid fungus pandemic. Andrea Adams immunized California red-legged frogs in Yosemite to give them a fighting chance at survival, with surprising results.
January 25, 2023
Fellow Story

Restoring Lost Streams: A Conversation with Jessica Hall, Landscape Architect

Jessica Hall has been advocating for, planning, and designing creek restoration projects for over two decades. Her interview in Happy Eco News explores the premise that in order to have a living ecosystem, you must restore and sustain the natural hydrological systems – even in an urban setting.
December 14, 2022
Fellow Story

Gutierrez to speak on environmental justice and river restoration in Puget Sound

Dr. Grant Gutierrez will present Environmental Justice and River Restoration in Puget Sound on March 2, 2023 as part of the Environmental Speaker Series hosted by the College of the Environment at Western Washington University. The series...
December 14, 2022
Fellow Story

Martinez and Hampshire receive UC Outstanding Student Leadership Award

Deniss Martinez and Karly Hampshire were honored as recipients of the 13th annual University of California President’s Award for Outstanding Student Leadership.
December 14, 2022