International Conservation & Development

Leadership Grant Grant

Forest Conservation Planning in the Ecuadorian Choco Forest, Year 2

To continue Amy’s position as a Research Fellow with the Pinchot Institute, focusing on reforestation ecology and community forest-based economic development in Esmeraldas Province in Ecuador. Amy received a Leadership Grant last year to...
March 31, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Participatory Action Research Director

To hire Chris Bacon as full-time Participatory Action Research Director, to continue his prior years of academic work on small-scale coffee farmer livelihood improvements and biodiversity conservation measures with shade coffee production...
March 29, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Illegal Logging in Latin America, Year 1

To move Andrea Johnson into the role of Latin America Forest Campaigner, taking the lead on building and strengthening the organization's ability to document and build awareness around the issue of illegal logging in Latin America. The...
March 29, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Director of Service Learning for Green Empowerment, Year 2

To provide a second year of funding for Jason Selwitz as Director of the Service Learning Department. Green Empowerment (GE) works with NGO partners in developing countries in southeast Asia and Latin America to develop renewable energy and...
March 29, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Renewable Energy in Southeast Asia

Chris Greacen will work with rural villages in southeast Asia to design and build renewable energy systems, and to work with government policy makers and local & international NGOs to challenge environmentally destructive energy development...
March 29, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Water Treatment Technology on the Ganges River, Year 2

This project takes the current effort to implement more effective and energy efficient wastewater treatment solutions on the Ganges River in Varanasi, India to the next level. The primary focus of the first year of this partnership was for...
March 29, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Water Treatment Technology on the Ganges River, Year 1

To employ Bailey Green as a Senior Affiliate of the Pacific Institute to develop a proposal for a more sustainable and effective wastewater treatment technique for the Ganges River in Varanasi, India. Bailey’s role as Senior Affiliate will...
March 29, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Fisheries Research in El Ocote National Forest, Mexico

To provide funds for Rebecca Quinones to allocate a portion of her time to work with the El Ocote National Forest in Mexico on fisheries research, and ultimately to provide leadership on preparing a restoration strategy for native fish...
March 29, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Service Learning Coordinator for Green Empowerment, Year 1

Green Empowerment (GE) hired Jason Selwitz as their first Service Learning Coordinator to oversee projects and fundraising in the newly created Service Learning Department of the organization. GE has recently expanded its activities to...
March 29, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Risks of Importing Live Animals as Pets, Year 1

To hire Kate Smith as Senior Research Scientist with the Consortium for Conservation Medicine (CCM), Wildlife Trust, to oversee three projects, all aimed at preventing negative outcomes associated with the importation of live animals into...
March 29, 2010