Stories can inspire action and advance narrative change for environmental and climate justice. Discover how digital storytelling can amplify the voices of those directly impacted and build your own skills in this interactive webinar with...
Daniel explains his recent research into unusually rapid and/or high magnitude swings between unusual weather conditions, including causes, expected trends and links to southern California’s devastating wildfires.
Andrea's substack, Hopecology, “is a study in looking unflinchingly at the stark realities of the present, while also returning focus to the natural world that will literally save us, if we are to have any hope at all.”
“Participants representing 15 countries contributed to a digital quilt that reflected cultural heritage and a connection to their unique natural environment,” For La Diáspora posted on Instagram.
Kathryn is a scientist and communicator committed to science translation for decision-makers in governments, businesses, unions, and community groups to support environmental health.
Christine Wilkinson is part of a network of researchers working to yield “greater understanding, respect and protection” for this misunderstood African predator.
Switzer Fellows learned principles of responsive listening, empathic communication, and making scientific messages memorable, in this online workshop facilitated by the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science.
Linwood Pendleton writes about his recent visit to South Pacific Indigenous members of the Ocean Knowledge Action Network in order to build trust and better understand the knowledge held by these communities, their needs and opportunities for more and better peer-to-peer knowledge sharing.