Science Communications

Fellow Story

Assembling (Science) Networks Online

You don’t need to have thousands or even hundreds of connections for social media to pay off for you, and finding your flock will very likely not mean surrounding yourself only with others in your discipline.
May 18, 2015
Fellow Story

Truths and Half-truths: An ecologist, an estuary, and a case study on communicating climate change

There is widespread acceptance among the scientific community that human activities are the primary cause of present day climate change. But, how a changing climate impacts ecosystems is still a source of confusion to the public. Some of this confusion is associated with a lack of clear communication among journalists and scientists, particularly when it comes to addressing variability and uncertainty in ecological datasets.
May 11, 2015
Fellow Story

Op-Ed Writing: It's OK to Argue for Something

Expressing perspectives, opinions or even recommendations about the implications of your science can be a bit uncomfortable, even scary. But if you want your science to be relevant and useful, you need to make sure it gets out of pages of peer-reviewed journals and into real-world discussions. Connecting with policymakers and having an ask is one way to do this. Writing an op-ed is another great way to start to get your science, and ideas, into the public discourse.
February 2, 2015
Fellow Story

The 7 psychological reasons that are stopping us from acting on climate change

When a gigantic threat is staring you in the face, and you can't act upon it, it's safe to assume there's some sort of mental blockage happening. So what's the hangup? That's what a new report from ecoAmerica and the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED) at Columbia University's Earth Institute -- entitled Connecting on Climate: A Guide to Effective Climate Change Communication -- seeks to help us better understand.
January 25, 2015
Fellow Story

#SwitzerTop50: The Top 50 Folks Switzer Fellows Follow on Twitter

In recent years we have seen enormous growth on our social media streams, particularly Twitter. With so many Fellows active on the service now, we thought it would be interesting to see who they think is worth following. The following are the top 50 answers from our recent Fellow poll on environmental organizations and environmental thinkers worth following.
January 21, 2015
Fellow Story

Maximizing Moritz et al: On Publication & Promotion

Much more goes into promoting a publication than simply writing a press release. Max Moritz is the lead author of a paper on coexisting with wildfire he believes holds real-world implications for people's health, safety, and financial well-being. He reached out to our communications training partner COMPASS and spent the last two weeks of October working with Liz Neeley to think through what he wanted to say.
December 10, 2014
Fellow Story

Your Science is a Multi-tool

The policy “cycle” is made of complicated interactions between individuals, each with their own knowledge, perspective, and network. The process stops and starts, doubles back on itself, and gets stuck in iterative loops that appear to defy progress. The role science plays is equally complex
October 6, 2014
Fellow Story

Diving In: Building Your Communication Skills in Grad School

Want to know the top ten things that you can start doing – from light lifts to larger investments – to improve your communication skills in grad school?
September 1, 2014
Fellow Story

Top Ten Tip-lists for Sharing Your Science

Our communications training partner COMPASS offers their top ten practical resources, tools, tips and tricks to be an effective scientist communicator today.
August 12, 2014
Fellow Story

Making Peace with Self Promotion

Done well, self-promotion is acting in service of your ideas, not just clamoring for affirmation. Finding your voice, focusing on great content, and positioning it effectively can create positive spirals to benefit your work and your career. You have great ideas. Get over yourself, get out there, and help us discover them.
July 28, 2014