Sustainable Agriculture & Food Policy

Fellow Story

Matsuoka co-edits Ground Truths: Community-Engaged Research for Environmental Justice book

Martha Matsuoka’s new, open-access book shows how community-engaged research contributes to environmental justice by centering local knowledge, building truth from the ground up, producing data that can influence decisions, and transforming researchers’ relationships to communities for equity and mutual benefit.
January 18, 2024
Fellow Story

Santiago and Rodriguez-Cruz speak on climate change opinion and engagement in Puerto Rico

Sara Santiago moderated this conversation with Marija Verner, Luis Alexis Rodríguez-Cruz, and Ada Monzón about a recent global survey conducted by Meta and YPCCC, challenges and opportunities in the agricultural sector, and current initiatives to engage different audiences in Puerto Rico.
December 22, 2023
Fellow Story

Aja Grande: a reciprocal relationship with the land in Hawaiʻi

Through community-based research with organizations that work to “hoʻomomona hou i ka ʻāina,” or “restore that which feeds back to abundance,” Switzer Fellow Aja Grande has embarked on a healing journey of her own.
December 21, 2023
Fellow Story

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson curates Climate Futurism exhibit

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson thinks a lot about the possible futures of our climate. Not just one ideal climate future, but a range of futures that could be better if we make some changes.
November 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Rodríguez-Cruz: Puerto Rican farmers should have access to USDA programs in Spanish

For more than a month, I’ve been trying to get a hold of someone at the United States Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency’s Puerto Rico state office. Someone told me they passed my message to the director. I also sent emails to various employees, with no response.
September 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Gwin launches food-business center to strengthen Western food economy

The new center will support farmers, ranchers and other food-related businesses to access new markets and navigate federal, state and local resources.
September 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Niles co-authors review on microplastics in food waste

Meredith Niles co-authored a 2023 review of what is known and what is not known about the abundance of microplastics in composts, digestates, and food wastes and their effects on agricultural soils. Read the open-access study here.
July 26, 2023
Fellow Story

Beal elected president of Northeast State Departments of Agriculture

“I am deeply honored to have been elected to serve as President of NEASDA. I am excited to work alongside my esteemed colleagues to advance the interests of our region's agricultural sector, as together, we continue our efforts to nurture a strong and resilient future for agriculture in the Northeast.”
July 26, 2023
Fellow Story

Scheuer appointed to East Maui Water Board amid fiercely political process

The Maui County Council has confirmed Jonathan Likeke Scheuer to represent the Hawaiian Homes Commission on the board steering the new East Maui Community Water Authority, marking the council’s final action in a heated monthslong process to get it up and running.
July 26, 2023

Kenzo Esquivel

2023 Fellow
Kenzo is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Lab researching the potential for enhanced rock weathering to sequester carbon on working lands. He obtained his PhD at UC Berkeley where he researched the barriers that...