We are all aware of the threats to environmental protection and community health, and assaults upon open government and transparent policy processes under the Trump administration. As Switzer Fellows, we had an opportunity on Earth Day 2017...
The Switzer Foundation’s programs all build upon our commitment to identifying and supporting environmental leaders. Our Fellowship Program is the cornerstone of our efforts and our investment in Switzer Fellows focuses on both inner...
We are all aware of the myriad threats to environmental protection, clean air and water, community health and assaults upon open government and policy processes that are unfolding with lightning speed under the Trump administration. As...
Last fall, we surveyed all Fellows (as we do from time to time) to track professional pathways and leadership skills and to gain input on how we can improve our offerings through the Fellows Network, retreats, trainings, gatherings, etc...
As environmental leaders, we are undoubtedly facing a time of great challenge to environmental science, policy and practice and are looking for the best tools to use and strategic actions we can take. As we seek to leverage the resources we...
Since the November 2016 election, I have been thinking a great deal about what it really means to engage in systems change for environmental work. The election of Donald Trump, even in the simplest analysis, represents so much more than a...
Whether or not your work is rooted in science, we know that uncertainty marks much of our life experience, in both our personal and professional lives. The looming uncertainty we all feel about the unraveling of what we've fought so long...
Nearly a dozen Switzer Fellows attended and participated in the COP22 climate conference in Marrakech, Morocco, in November. This year's COP was highlighted by two significant trends. One, of course, was the outcome of the U.S. presidential...
At the fall retreats held in New England and California this year, we welcomed the 2016 Fellows and were joined by alumni and colleagues over the weekend. The fall retreats have evolved over recent years to be part of an intentional...
At the fall retreats held in New England and California this year, we welcomed the 2016 Fellows and were joined by alumni and colleagues over the weekend. The fall retreats have evolved over recent years to be part of an intentional...