Land Use & Open Space Conservation

Fellow Story

Kaiȧulu: Gathering Tides with Mehana Blaich Vaughan

he InCommon Podcast interviewed Mehana, exploring how she came to write her book Kaiȧulu: Gathering Tides, and the themes and stories the book illuminates.
May 16, 2023
Fellow Story

Zeller finds protected areas unlikely to be steppingstones for climate-induced range shifts

It is often assumed that protected areas can serve as steppingstone habitats, but there are several factors that may impede successful range shifts among protected areas.
March 21, 2023
Foundation News

Transformative Climate Adaptation with Linda Shi

How can we plan for urban climate adaptation in ways that improve sustainability and social justice? Switzer Fellow Linda Shi studies the land governance institutions that make cities and disadvantaged groups vulnerable to climate impacts...
March 20, 2023
Fellow Story

Mulvaney quoted on proposal to open public lands to solar companies

As the nation looks to transition to more forms of renewable energy, the country’s millions of acres of public lands could be key, drawing concerns over how local habitats could be impacted.
March 15, 2023
Fellow Story

Jensen quoted on concerns about settlement with huge Guenoc Valley resort project

“The state's settlement doesn't negate the fact that the project will have concerning impacts to rare plants and vulnerable serpentine habitats, while concentrating many more people in an area with a long history of wildfire,” Nick Jensen said.
February 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Wilkinson publishes on responsibility, equity, justice, and inclusion in dynamic human–wildlife interactions

Human–wildlife interactions (HWIs) are pervasive, and future global change will exacerbate negative outcomes. The authors present an expansion to the traditional conflict-coexistence framing of HWIs.
February 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Mulvaney argues that ‘streamlining’ environmental reviews could actually hamper clean energy production

“Despite the evidence that environmental permitting is done on time and with little to no litigation while upholding environmental standards, the narrative that permitting reform is needed for clean energy deployment persists.”
February 27, 2023
Fellow Story

Elbroch in New York Times: Cougars Are Heading East. We Should Welcome Them.

Mark Elbroch published an op-ed in the New York Times on his research pinpointing landscapes large enough to sustain cougars in the Eastern United States. He writes:
January 25, 2023
Fellow Story

Restoring Lost Streams: A Conversation with Jessica Hall, Landscape Architect

Jessica Hall has been advocating for, planning, and designing creek restoration projects for over two decades. Her interview in Happy Eco News explores the premise that in order to have a living ecosystem, you must restore and sustain the natural hydrological systems – even in an urban setting.
December 14, 2022
Fellow Story

Landback in California with Brittani Orona

This in-depth conversation with Dr. Brittani Orona (Hupa, Hoopa Valley Tribe) on the Cal Ag Roots WELL podcast digs into the concept and practice of the Landback movement in California, including the deep history of Native resistance in the state. It also explores Brittani’s background and new role at San Diego State University.
November 23, 2022