Cielo's mission is to contribute to restorative climate resilience and develop equity-based mitigation strategies to mitigate the disparate impact climate change has on historically marginalized communities.
Abby Cunniff studies the intersection of prison labor and climate change adaptation work, looking at the recent history of California-based programs and interventions made by prison abolitionists.
An aspiring movement lawyer, Ben is focused on advancing environmental justice, alleviating poverty, and defending workers’ rights in communities burdened by the fossil fuel industry.
California’s Transformative Climate Communities Program (TCC) funds the development and implementation of neighborhood-level transformative plans that include multiple projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to fighting...
Abstract: Predicted increases in extreme droughts will likely cause major shifts in carbon sequestration and forest composition. Although growth declines during drought are widely documented, an increasing number of studies have reported...
Dustin Mulvaney was featured in a May 2023 KSQD Sustainability Now! episode on the social and ecological impacts of large solar farms in the desert and whether they can contribute to a “just energy transition”. Listen here
Kerry is committed to making good on the promises of California for all of its residents and supporting historically marginalized communities to advocate for themselves and succeed in their own futures’ creation. Their work focuses on environmental justice, drinking water and a Just Transition.