In 2008, Ludmilla completed her doctoral degree in Molecular Toxicology at UC berkeley focusing on the aquatic chemistry and toxicology of pharmaceuticsls in our waters. Following her graduation from Berkeley, Ludmilla went to France on a...
Dr. Dustin Mulvaney is an Associate Professor in the Environmental Studies Department at San Jose State University where he teaches courses on energy and sustainability. His research focuses on the social and environmental dimensions of...
Myra Finkelstein’s research focuses on human impacts to wildlife with an emphasis on contaminant-induced effects. To fulfill this goal, her research seeks to develop links in the often difficult-to-understand causal chain between...
Southern California is notorious for its chronically polluted water bodies, from the affluent areas of Malibu to the more industrial city of Long Beach. California Assembly Bill 411 requires that city and county health departments regularly monitor impaired water bodies for fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) and that they notify the public of water quality problems.
Karen received her PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering from the University of Maine and her MPH from UMass Amherst. Her research examines Infrastructure × health access disparities, as well as strategies for expanding the framework for...
Dr. Michael Wilson is National Director for Occupational and Environmental Health at the BlueGreen Alliance, a coalition of labor unions and environmental NGOs, where he leads the organization’s efforts to protect workers and vulnerable...
Matt has a PhD and M.Eng in Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and a Master of Science from the Technology and Policy Program (TPP), from MIT (2012, 2003, 2006). Matt has over five years of field experience in Africa training...
Nithya envisions a not-too-distant future where collecting environmental data from any source will be cheap, ubiquitous, accurate, and readily available to everyone. She aims to achieve this reality by using her expertise as a computer...
I left the U.S. EPA almost two years ago to take a position with SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation) in Product Stewardship. My goal in moving to SABIC was to leverage my experience and education with a position in the private sector...
Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire Anne studies environmental fluid mechanics, concentrating on the physical processes governing flow through shallow systems including streams, estuaries, and wetlands. Anne received a B.S./M.S...