Sustainable Agriculture & Food Policy

Fellow Story

Beal awarded $200K to study wild clam recruitment

Beal’s project was funded at $200,000 and builds on his award-winning soft-shell clam research. “Using Applied Research to Support Development of Intertidal Aquaculture of Soft-Shell Clams” focuses on wild clam recruitment in the Harraseeket River system at Freeport. Read more
February 8, 2016
Fellow Story

Beal has NSF grant for aquaculture project

With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Beal and a team based at the university’s Marine Science Field Station at the Downeast Institute are putting their aquaculture innovation skills to work. The team’s goals are to diversify the U.S. market for shellfish and increase the number of jobs in that market. The researchers are focused on two types of shellfish with the potential to bring more jobs and dollars to the area: blue mussels and Arctic surfclams.
January 25, 2016
Fellow Story

Eaton helps farmers turn cow dung into proverbial gold

The air in San Sebastián Tepalcatepec, a farming community in the south-central Mexican state of Puebla, is hot and dry and, frankly, reeks. Alexander Eaton rolls down the window of his pickup truck and inhales. “This smells like opportunity,” he tells Quartz with a grin.
January 22, 2016
Fellow Story

Mountjoy on CNBC on California's hot new commodity of stormwater

On a drought-parched piece of land in California's Central Valley, farmer Don Cameron has persuaded other growers to do something counterintuitive. Flood their farms. "I think you could put millions of acre feet back into the ground," said Cameron, who grows everything from almonds and grapes to carrots and tomatoes.
January 19, 2016
Fellow Story

Coleman speaks at NASA Climate Policy Speaker Series

Heather Coleman spoke at the the NASA Climate Policy Speaker Series on Oxfam's global work and COP21. Visit the NASA website
January 14, 2016
Fellow Story

Bacon receives multi-year NSF grant to study food and water security in Nicaragua

Chris Bacon and his colleagues have received a $300,000 mult-year National Science Foundation research grant to study food and water security under climate change for smallholders in Nicaragua.
January 12, 2016
Fellow Story

Clark Baker on team to give veterans new mission growing sustainably grown food

For many U.S. veterans, finding fulfilling employment and acclimating back into civilian life can be just as taxing as military service itself. At the same time, America is facing a shortage of farmers, with almost 30% of growers over the age of 65, and fewer than 10% under the age of 35. The Heroic Food Farm is an initiative by Heroic Food and Ennead Architects/Ennead Lab, in collaboration with RAFT Landscape Architecture, to guide returning soldiers from "barracks to barns," with a new mission of battling the nation's farming crisis.
January 5, 2016
Fellow Story

McClintock wins NSF grant to explore link between urban gardens and gentrification

It’s no secret that urban farms and gardens are core to Portland’s identity as one of the most sustainable cities in the world. What’s maybe lesser known is that those young patches of kale and cabbage are often entangled in processes of gentrification and displacement.
January 5, 2016
Fellow Story

Carlisle-Cummins writes story of California land consolidation

Until 1982, there was a law on the books – the 1902 Reclamation Act – that limited the size of farms allowed to use government-subsidized irrigation water across the western U.S. to just 160 acres. That’s much, much smaller than the kind of massive-scale agricultural development that characterizes California farming in general and the Valley in particular. What may sound to modern readers like a quaint rule was actually meant to be an important safeguard against consolidation of land, power and wealth in the developing West.
January 4, 2016
Fellow Story

Beal quoted on new Food Recovery Act of 2015

On Monday, December 7, Representative Chellie Pingree (D-ME-1) introduced the Food Recovery Act (H.R. 4184) to curb food waste across the entire food system. She publicly announced the bill earlier the same day at the Portland Food Co-op in Portland, Maine.
January 1, 2016