Sustainable Agriculture & Food Policy

Fellow Story

Cook research shows Chinese engagement in African agriculture not what it seems

New research by IIED's Seth Cook, which features in the journal World Development, uses the agri-food sector in Ethiopia and Ghana to show how the role of Chinese migrants in Africa is poorly researched and understood. Read more
June 14, 2016
Fellow Story

Mountjoy receives agricultural sustainability award

Daniel Mountjoy, director of Resource Stewardship at Sustainable Conservation and a UC Davis alumnus, is this year’s recipient of Eric Bradford and Charlie Rominger Agricultural Sustainability Leadership Award, presented by the Agricultural Sustainability Institute at UCD. Mountjoy is being honored for his leadership in promoting practices and approaches that enable farmers and ranchers to steward the environment. ...
June 7, 2016
Fellow Story

Hsu named member of new WWF initiative on sustainable food production

Watching the world food system race towards a moment when it can’t possibly produce enough food to nourish the world’s population, the World Wildlife Fund launched last week a Markets Institute to Advance Sustainable Food Production with the help of some big food companies. Mars, Kellogg, Unilever and others are involved. Their mission is to quickly scale market-based solutions across the industry to change how food is grown, procured, shipped and distribute so that natural resource will be sustained to grow food for future generations, too. ...
June 1, 2016
Fellow Story

Alexander Eaton: Mexican farmers are turning cow pies into proverbial gold

Like rainwater harvesters and solar panels, biodigesters generate power by reinvesting natural resources back into their own ecosystems. Because of their potential to reduce both waste and operating costs, it seems like every family farm should have one on hand. Fellow Alexander Eaton's company, Sistema Biobolsa, is working to create a base of users that leads to a tipping point.
May 26, 2016
Fellow Story

Krupnik on farmers' preferences for weather-indexed crop insurance

Theoretically, weather-index insurance is an effective risk reduction option for small-scale farmers in low income countries. Renewed policy and donor emphasis on bridging gender gaps in development also emphasizes the potential social safety net benefits that weather-index insurance could bring to women farmers who are disproportionately vulnerable to climate change risk and have low adaptive capacity.
May 25, 2016
Fellow Story

Klein quoted in Christian Science Monitor about food consumption and global warming

“We need to convert more crop production to organic and ecological,” says Kendra Klein, staff scientist and agro-ecology expert at Friends of the Earth, an environmental organization. “And really the most important thing is reducing meat consumption.” Read more
May 17, 2016
Fellow Story

Kendra Klein: Celebrating women in the environmental movement

Friends of the Earth is celebrating Women’s History Month by recognizing the contributions and careers of several women on Friends of the Earth’s staff. We discussed their inspirations, interests, the importance of women in the environmental movement and each shared advice for the next generation looking to be a part of the movement.
May 11, 2016
Fellow Story

Garren quoted on tracking technologies for fish

Driven by concerns about food safety and illegal fishing, major seafood companies are working to improve how they trace fish through the industry’s complex supply chains. But in many parts of the world, fish are caught by artisanal fishers, not by massive trawlers. For these small-scale fishers, existing tracing technologies are often too cumbersome, complex, or expensive to use. This means they are often ineligible for sustainability certification (and the economic benefits that entails), because they can’t prove where, when, and how their fish were taken.
May 6, 2016
Fellow Story

Micheli and Pepperwood Preserve part of USDA-funded collaboration for climate resiliency

A regional collaboration of resource agencies learned today that it will receive an $8 million grant to protect agricultural lands and ecosystems for drought and climate resiliency.
February 15, 2016
Fellow Story

Raymond hosts 'Ideas Lab' for ag tech research

Purdue University will play host to a three-day Ideas Lab this month [January 2016]. The goal of the event is to create interdisciplinary teams and research pre-proposals for new agricultural technologies in food security.
February 10, 2016