Sustainable Agriculture & Food Policy


Deja Thomas

2019 Fellow
Déjà’s work focuses on managing the Center for Racial Equity at Work's programmatic priorities including strategic partnerships and research with the Southern California Black Worker Hub for Regional Organizing and the implementation of our...
Fellow Story

Amanda Beal: Developing a robust regional food economy

With Fellow Amanda Beal at the helm of Maine's agriculture department, the state is uniquely positioned to push forward into the role of regional breadbasket that she helped lay in the 2014 report "A New England Food Vision"—and set a national example for how to build a sustainable, healthy, and just regional food system.
June 9, 2019
Fellow Story

Howe wins blog contest with post and video on her work in Ethiopia

Editor's note: Fellow Lauren Howe recently won the USAID Agrilinks Young Scholars Food Security Blog Contest with the following post about her work in Ethiopia with sweet potato leaves, which first appeared on the Agrilinks website.
May 2, 2019
Fellow Story

Bradman and Klein find organic diet intervention significantly reduces pesticide levels in urine

Editor's note: The video attached to this story was produced by Organic for All.
April 10, 2019
Fellow Story

Bradman honored by The Organic Center

The Organic Center recognized environmental health scientist Dr. Asa Bradman with its Award of Excellence at the organization’s annual benefit dinner March 6 in Anaheim, California.
April 10, 2019
Fellow Story

Beal to head Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry

In her last Cabinet nomination, Gov. Janet Mills announced Friday (January 18 ,2019) afternoon that she has chosen the president of Maine Farmland Trust to head the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.
January 23, 2019
Fellow Story

Bunin writes report on conventional and organic crop production practices

Fellow Lisa Bunin wrote a report for the GRACE Communications Foundation on conventional and organic crop production practices called The FoodPrint of Crop Production (link will download report, 4.2 MB). It also highlights the environmental and health impacts of conventional agriculture and the benefits of organic. Introduction
January 10, 2019
Fellow Story

Delborne quoted on report accusing Pentagon of creating bioweapon

A new technology in which insects are used to genetically modify crops could be converted into a dangerous, and possibly illegal, bioweapon, alleges a Science Policy Forum report released today. Naturally, the organization leading the research says it’s doing nothing of the sort.
December 3, 2018
Fellow Story

Bradman publishes on whether buffer zones will protect school children from pesticides

Fellow Asa Bradman published recently on whether buffer zones around schools in agricultural areas will be adequate to protect children from the potential adverse effects of pesticide exposure?
October 4, 2018
Fellow Story

McClintock publishes on urban agriculture, racial capitalism, and resistance in the settler‐colonial city

Recent scholarship on urban agriculture (UA)—the production of food in cities—argues that UA can both undergird and resist capitalist accumulation, albeit often at different spatio‐temporal scales. Scholarship that explicitly examines how UA, capitalist development, and racial difference work through one another, however, is less extensive. In this review, Fellow Nathan McClintock proposes that the lens of racial capitalism can elucidate UA's contradictory motivations and outcomes.
September 10, 2018