Sustainable Agriculture & Food Policy

Fellow Story

What Foods Are Better for the Earth?

Fellow Nicole Tichenor Blackstone is part of a team that studied the link between environmental sustainability and the 2015-20 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
September 9, 2018

Sara Santiago

2018 Fellow
Sara currently serves as the Communications Manager at The Forest School at the Yale School of the Environment, translating science and research on the world’s forests for a broader audience. Sara earned her Master of Forestry degree from...

Lindsay Barbieri

2018 Fellow
Lindsay Barbieri focuses on problem-solving at the interface of agriculture, environment, and technology — from the field to the global scale. Barbieri works to deepen climate change mitigation understanding within agroecosystems, exploring...
Network Innovation Grant Grant

Sustainable Aquaculture Communities

Aquaculture is experiencing extremely fast growth in Maine, as it is in other parts of the country and around the world. Fishing is a critical part of Maine's economy; aquaculture is becoming more and more prevalent as commercial fishermen...
June 12, 2018

Leslie Sanchez

2018 Fellow
Leslie is a PhD candidate in the Agriculture, Food and Environment Program at the Friedman School at Tufts University. Her dissertation research focuses on the motivation and processes through which Native American water rights in the...

Lauren Howe

2018 Fellow
Lauren received a Master of Science in International Agricultural Development (IAD) at the University of California, Davis, where she was able to combine her passions for sustainable food systems and social justice with an international...
Fellow, Fellows Advisory Committee

Karen Diaz Ruvalcaba

2018 Fellow
Karen Díaz is an advocate on issues of food justice and outdoor equity. She received a dual Masters of Urban and Regional Planning at the Luskin School of Public Affairs and a Masters of Public Health at the Fielding School of Public Health...

Philip Womble

2018 Fellow
Philip Womble is an attorney and a hydrologist specializing in water policy and water markets. He is a legal/postdoctoral fellow with the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University. Philip received his Ph.D. in Environment...
Fellow Story

Meredith Niles: How social capital and social media impact food security during extreme weather events

How can social capital and social media benefit communities experiencing climate shocks or extreme events? Meredith Niles, an assistant professor and faculty with the University of Vermont Food Systems Program and Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, examines food systems sustainability and policy with a focus on food security and climate change.
May 29, 2018
Fellow Story

Wironen discusses pollution and phosphorus runoff research on local television

When it comes to managing pollution and phosphorus runoff, does Vermont have more cows than the state can sustain? That's the suggestion of a new report by University of Vermont Gund Institute for the Environment researcher Michael Wironen. His study focuses on phosphorus and it's accumulation in Vermont soil over the past 90 years. Watch the segment
April 18, 2018