Fellow Story

Linwood Pendleton: Should we put a price on nature?

Linwood Pendleton was featured on the Hive Initiative’s Climate Workspace series to answer the question: will putting a price on nature help us protect it or will it become another tool for greenwashing?

In the interview, Linwood reflects on the original intention of quantifying the ecosystem services or a species or natural process, as well as the challenges and complexities in how the practice is applied. 

“We really see people trying to commodify or assetize these parts of nature, these ecosystems services and disservices. We see a lot of cherry-picking and a lot of a la carte behavior, and nature is not a-la carte.”

He goes on to discuss alternatives to assigning economic values to species. He argues we need to understand the issues of climate change or habitat loss more broadly than just looking at a species by species approach, and honestly assess the damage done in order to identify appropriate solutions. 

Linwood closes the interview saying “it’s our conscious effort to use nature less that will make the most difference, especially if we bring this conservation mindset into our jobs.” 

Watch the interview (25 min), or read a transcript to get the full story.