Environmental Policy & Law


Peggy Sloan

1990 Fellow
Peggy was director of planning and development for the Franklin County Commissioners, where she provided technical assistance to 26 townships in western Massachusetts.

John J Berger

1988 Fellow
John J. Berger is an energy and environmental policy specialist and a senior research fellow at the Pacific Institute. His 11 books include Solving the Climate Crisis: Frontline Reports from the Race to Save the Earth and Climate Peril: The Intelligent Reader’s Guide to Understanding the Climate Crisis, which won the 2015 International Book Award for Science. His journalistic work has appeared in Scientific American, The Nation, The Progressive, The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, and many other publications.

Arjun Heimsath

1994 Fellow
Arjun began a faculty position at Dartmouth College in July of 2000 with the goal of continuing research measuring erosion rates and linking them to natural and anthropogenic processes as well as educating new practioners of environmental...

Beverly Craig

1994 Fellow
Beverly Craig, LEED AP BD+C, is a Senior Program Manager at the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center. She works on programs including the Passive House Design Challenge for affordable housing, assists MassCEC's workforce team, and is now...

Lisa Micheli

1993 Fellow
Lisa has more than 25 years experience applying her technical, policy, and fundraising expertise to the design and implementation of ecological restoration, research, and education programs. She is Co-Chair of the Terrestrial Biodiversity...

Kathy Lambert

1991 Fellow
Kathy directs a program on Science & Policy at Harvard Forest and runs the Science Policy Exchange - a new consortium of research insitutions dedicated to increasing the impact of ecological science in conservation and environmental policy...

Renee Lawver

1990 Fellow
Renee is participating on the multi-disciplinary Cal/EPA team implementing the Environmental Management System Innovation Initiative (http://www.calepa.ca.gov/EMS/). Through the evaluation of environmental mangement systems in pilot...

Lisa Bunin

1994 Fellow
As co-founder and director of the woman-owned consulting firm, Organic Advocacy, Lisa designs and directs projects aimed at moving organic food and agriculture from the margins to the mainstream. Partnering with innovative organic farmers...

Jo Anne Shatkin

1991 Fellow
Jo Anne Shatkin, Ph.D. is President of Vireo Advisors, LLC, and is focused on sustainability strategies for new and nano-technology development and innovation. She has extensive experience in working with entrepreneurs to guide responsible...

Simone Pulver

2001 Fellow
Dr. Pulver is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She received her doctorate in Sociology from the University of California, Berkeley and also holds an MA in Energy and Resources...