Science Communications

Fellow Story

A Navigator to get you Across the Policy Chasm

Why is it that some scientists seem to have an easy time getting the ear of policymakers? When it comes to engaging decision-makers, we’ve told you to find the story in your science, to prepare yourself to answer the “So what?” and to keep it simple but not lose the details. But how do you get involved in that initial conversation in the first place? More specifically, how do you get involved in the RIGHT conversation? The one where you have a willing and interested audience who want to talk about what you actually know?
September 30, 2013

Erica Krimmel

2013 Fellow
Erica is an information scientist whose expertise lies in designing and implementing systems to increase the digital availability and impactful of biodiversity data. Her driving goal is to make biodiversity data of all scales FAIR and fit...
Fellow Story

Communications Training: The Top Ten Qualities of Scientist (Communicator) Leaders

When you stand up and speak out – to the media, or policymakers, or you write an opinion piece or blog post – it is like a drop of water hitting the surface. It sends out ripples with unexpected repercussions – often, good ones. Doors may swing open, new opportunities may arise. You will meet new people and make new connections. Yet there are also challenges.
May 27, 2013
Fellow Story

Media Case Study: Kendra Klein on the Benefits of Taking a Science Writing Course

Editor's Note: Kendra Klein recently published a long-form piece in The Nation about her work with hospitals interested in serving sustainably produced food. We asked her to explain how the article came about so other Fellows could benefit from her experience.
November 19, 2012
Fellow Story

Environmental and Thought Leadership Blogs

We have compiled a list of excellent blogs based on what Fellows are reading regularly. Don't see your favorite on the list? Drop us a line and we'll add it!
September 25, 2012
Fellow Story

COMPASS blog post about 2013 New England retreat training

This weekend, Erica Goldman and I traveled to a town outside of Boston to deliver a communications workshop for the 2012 New England Switzer Fellows. The fellows are in the midst of their graduate educations, and have diverse backgrounds – they are law students, representatives of NGOs, interdisciplinary and field scientists – all within the realm of environmental sustainability.
September 20, 2012
Fellow Story

Communications Training: Connect with COMPASS

For several years now we have highlighted communications trainings by COMPASS in our fall retreats. COMPASS helps scientists communicate their work in a concise, lively manner that will get the attention of non-scientists including journalists and policymakers.
August 27, 2012
Fellow Story

Communications Training: Writing Clear Sentences

COMPASS trainers spend a lot of time at our retreats talking about simlifying your communications without dumbing them down. One quick way to do this is to make your writing simpler, clearer, and more accessible to a lay audience. This can be difficult when you spend most of your time writing for an advanced scientific audience, so let's get back to basics and look at an expert's advice on how to write clear sentences.
July 30, 2012
Fellow Story

Working and Collaborating Remotely (Switzer Digital Webinar Series)

Learn about tools that can help you work and collaborate effectively in the cloud, and explore some workflows that have worked for others. Originally broadcast: July 9, 2012.
July 9, 2012
Fellow Story

Blogging About Your Work (Switzer Digital Skills Webinar)

Blogs and blogging can be a useful tool to spread the word about your science, activism, and more. In this webinar, a roundtable of Switzer Fellows discusses blogging platforms, how much of a time commitment blogging is, and ways to spread the word about your blog. Originally broadcast June 25, 2012.
June 27, 2012