Sustainable Agriculture & Food Policy

Leadership Grant Grant

Campaigns Director at the Center for Food Safety, Year 2

To provide a second year of funding for Lisa Bunin’s role as Campaigns Director at the Center for Food Safety (CFS) where she develops, directs, implements and evaluates all CFS programs and campaigns to be sure they are appropriately...
March 29, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Fisheries Research in El Ocote National Forest, Mexico

To provide funds for Rebecca Quinones to allocate a portion of her time to work with the El Ocote National Forest in Mexico on fisheries research, and ultimately to provide leadership on preparing a restoration strategy for native fish...
March 29, 2010
Leadership Grant Grant

Participatory Action Research Director

To hire Chris Bacon as full-time Participatory Action Research Director, to continue his prior years of academic work on small-scale coffee farmer livelihood improvements and biodiversity conservation measures with shade coffee production...
March 29, 2010

Jeff Dlott

1992 Fellow
Dr. Jeff Dlott is the COO at LandScan and Chair of the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA) Environmental Farming Science Advisory Panel (SAP). The SAP advises the CDFA Secretary on the Healthy Soils Program, State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program, and on scientific findings, program frameworks, grower incentives, and technical assistance. Dr. Dlott has served as an appointed member since 2011.

Paul da Silva

1990 Fellow
Dr. Paul da Silva is an ecologist, entomologist and educator living and working in Marin County, California. At the time of becoming a Switzer fellow, he was researching integrated pest management (IPM) and biological control of insect...

Don Weber

1990 Fellow
Don Weber grew up in northern Virginia with a knowledge of plants, insects and birds imparted by Burgundy Wildlife Camp and its staff. After obtaining his BA in Biology at Williams College, and an MS in Entomology at UC Berkeley with...

Lisa Bunin

1994 Fellow
As co-founder and director of the woman-owned consulting firm, Organic Advocacy, Lisa designs and directs projects aimed at moving organic food and agriculture from the margins to the mainstream. Partnering with innovative organic farmers...

James Liebman

1990 Fellow
James Liebman was a Biologist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency--Region 9 in San Francisco. He worked with the Agriculture Program on non-regulatory projects that promote and support broader implementation of sustainable...

Daniel Mountjoy

1990 Fellow
Daniel is currently responsible for the management of three program areas at Sustainable Conservation: (1) Development of Statewide Programmatic Permitting for small scale restoration projects, (2) testing and evaluation of Ecosystem...

John Steggall

1990 Fellow
John Steggall works for the California Dept. of Food & Agriculture where he analyzes impacts of pesticide regulatory decisions, pesticide alternatives, and trends in pest management. This work is done in conjunction with University of...