Water Resources


Chuck Striplen

Chuck Striplen completed his Masters and PhD in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management at the University of California, Berkeley. He attended archeological field school at California State University – Chico, and received a dual B.A...

Matthew Morrison

2001 Fellow
I left the U.S. EPA almost two years ago to take a position with SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation) in Product Stewardship. My goal in moving to SABIC was to leverage my experience and education with a position in the private sector...

Bridie McGreavy

2006 Fellow
I study relationships between water and communication and how tides, rivers, and oceans shape diverse collaborations for justice, decolonization, and resilience. I use engaged research methodologies to co-create knowledge about water and communication in the context of coastal shellfishing communities, river restoration and freshwater conservation initiatives, and large-scale science-based collaborations.

David Austin

1995 Fellow
David received his BA in mathematics from the University of Minnesota in 1984, followed by a tour as a Naval officer in marine salvage and diving. After his ship successfully rescued a grounded Exxon supertanker in 1989, he became keenly...

Randy Turner

2009 Fellow
With degrees in Biology (marine) and Zoology from Humboldt State University, Randy went on to serve in the AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Program, assisting fishery and watershed restoration non-profits in rural northern California...

Angela Nardo-Morgan

1996 Fellow
Angela’s great passion is the natural world. She is Director of Development for Marine Conservation Institute where she brings her expertise with both oceans and people to guide the development and communication team engaging funders and...

Jamie Delemos

2007 Fellow
Jamie completed her doctorate in environmental health at the School of Engineering where she was part of the innovative Water: Systems, Science and Society program at Tufts that encourages the use of interdisciplinary tools and perspectives...

Amy Luers

2000 Fellow
Amy Luers is the Director of Climate Change at the Skoll Global Threats Fund (SGTF). She joined SGTF from Google where she started and co-led the development of a series of initiatives focused on information and communication technology for...

Cynthia Fleming Ingelfinger

2000 Fellow
Cynthia Fleming completed her Master's Degree in the Field Naturalist Program at the University of Vermont. Cynthia studied the effects of ranching schedules on bobolinks nesting in irrigated hayfields on The Nature Conservancy's Carpenter...

Christine Lee

2008 Fellow
Christine Lee is a scientist in the terrestrial hydrology group who focuses on applications of remote sensing to water quality, water resources, and ecosystems management. Christine Lee joined JPL in 2014 after working for 2 years at NASA...