Conservation Science


Pam McElwee

2002 Fellow
Pamela McElwee received a PhD in Forestry & Environmental Studies and Anthropology from Yale University in 2003. Her dissertation was titled ''Lost Worlds' or 'Lost Causes'?: Biodiversity Conservation, Forest Management and Rural Life in...

Caitlin Crain

2005 Fellow
Caitlin Crain is a coastal ecologist, studying the dynamics of coastal ecosystems to better protect and restore resilient, functioning systems that benefit nature and people. She specializes in coastal wetlands and the multiple stressors impacting their health and function including sea-level rise and climate change. She works at landscape scales and with the diverse human communities that are impacted by coastal climate change.

Alfred Gonzalez

1995 Fellow
Tenured biology instructor at Evergreen Valley College (SJ,CA). My focus has shifted to improving science curricula and facilitating educational achievement for Chicano/Latino and Native American students. Other areas of focus include...

Ruben Ramirez

1998 Fellow
Ruben has and continues to conduct natural history research of the Federally endangered arroyo toad (Bufo californicus) throughout Southern California including lands managed by the Angeles, San Bernardino and Cleveland National Forests in...

Ryan Sensenig

2006 Fellow
Ryan’s broad interests include conservation, participatory research, and science education. Prior to attending the University of California, Davis, where he is pursuing a PhD in Ecology, he taught Ecology and Earth Science at the high...

Ana Sink

1996 Fellow
Ana was previously the Director of Science for The Nature Conservancy's Vermont Field Office. Prior to holding that position she also worked as an environmental consultant for the City of Burlington, Vermont, as a botanist for the Central...

Michael Gavin

2000 Fellow
Michael is an Associate Professor in the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University. He also serves as a co-director of the Conservation Leadership Through Learning Program at Colorado State University (http:/...

Andrea Johnson

2004 Fellow
Andrea is a consultant to foundations, non-profits, and businesses on issues related to tropical forests: their governance, their destruction, their restoration. She currently supports grantmaking at the Climate and Land Use Alliance, with...

Mark Ward

1997 Fellow
Mark works as an independent ecological consultant. He has worked on a wide variety of conservation projects for the state Heritage Program, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and a number of local conservation...

Brent Sewall

2005 Fellow
Dr. Brent Sewall is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at Temple University. His research focuses on understanding critical and emerging threats to biodiversity and developing effective strategies for conservation. He is...