Business & Finance

Fellow, Trustee

Roger Perez

2015 Fellow
Roger is GitLab Foundation’s Program Officer focused on developing economic inclusion strategies and investments in the United States, Colombia, and Mexico. His work explores how stakeholders can increase lifetime earnings for individuals...

Nathan Hall

2015 Fellow
Nathan Hall is a current dual degree candidate with the Master of Environmental Management program at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and Master of Business Administration through the Yale School of Management. A born...

Jasmine Hyman

2015 Fellow
Jasmine Hyman has over fifteen years of experience in climate-compatible development and green finance. Her work at E Co. specialized in project formulation, research surveys, monitoring, evaluation for environmental agencies and...
Fellow Story

Berger series lauds success of CERES in pushing corporations towards sustainability

CERES' modus operandi is to get the world's largest investors and corporations to integrate sustainability into their core business strategies. Through appeals to enlightened corporate self-interest and to "the better angels of their nature," CERES in effect reprograms the corporation's DNA. Burrowed deep into the business community, CERES focuses on changing corporate culture with respect not only to environmental sustainability, but also with respect to climate risk, transparency and disclosure, and supply chain supervision.
June 2, 2015
Fellow Story

Coleman quoted on how manufacturers can adapt to climate change

Proactively assessing and minimizing the environmental impact of producing foods and beverages can help manufacturers minimize the impact of climate change on Earth and on their bottom line by improving the reliability of their supply chain, quality of their products and reputation, argues sustainability activists. Heather Coleman quoted on ADAPT tool, a five-step process that serves as a best practice that can be modified based on a company's resources.
March 12, 2015
Fellow Story

Coleman quoted on how green business procedures can save money in the long run with climate change

Proactively assessing and minimizing the environmental impact of producing foods and beverages can help manufacturers minimize the impact of climate change on Earth and on their bottom line by improving the reliability of their supply chain, quality of their products and reputation, argues sustainability activists. Read more
March 12, 2015
Fellow Story

It takes more than numbers to set smart climate goals

With many companies in the goal-planning stage as they retire 2015 targets and set new ones, it is an appropriate time to evaluate our troubled relationship with carbon goals. Despite strong agreement within the scientific community that we need to keep global temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius, or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, Tim Greiner is not seeing goals that are bold enough to get us where we need to go.
February 14, 2015
Fellow Story

Dlott presents on Wal-Mart's sustainability expectations of produce suppliers

With both Wal-Mart and Whole Foods moving aggressively to measure sustainability of their suppliers, Jeff Dlott believes meeting expectations of buyers can be both a requirement for doing business and a market opportunity for produce marketers. “Don’t kill the messenger, but sustainability is becoming a requirement in major markets,” said Dlott, president and CEO of SureHarvest, Soquel, Calif., at a workshop at the 2015 Potato Expo on Jan. 8. He urged suppliers to be clear on their target markets and align their strategy accordingly.
January 30, 2015
Fellow Story

Coleman quoted in Reuters article on hottest year on record, business response

Electric utilities in the United States can expect an extra $12 billion a year in annual revenue by 2030 as heat waves increase the demand for air conditioning. Oil and gas companies may find it easier to drill in the Arctic, where sea ice is melting. But grocery manufacturers are shouldering hundreds of millions of dollars in unexpected costs as extreme weather disrupts their supply chains.
January 24, 2015
Fellow Story

Dlott's company gains three new clients

SureHarvest, a leading agrifood sustainability solutions company, announced that it is rolling out sustainability performance management software with three new clients – produce supply chain management company PRO*ACT, the California Cut Flower Commission and the Oregon Hazelnut Marketing Board. These organizations are deploying SMIS, SureHarvest’s secure online sustainability performance management platform.
January 7, 2015